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Companion Viruses: What You Need To Know To Keep Your Computer Safe

Companion Viruses: What You Need To Know To Keep Your Computer Safe Viruses have been a scourge of computers since the dawn of their inception. Companion viruses are one such type, and they require special attention to ensure that your computer is safe from infection. This article will provide an overview of companion viruses, detailing… 

Script Viruses

Script Virus: The Sneaky Virus Hiding In Your Scripts

Script Virus: The Sneaky Virus Hiding In Your Scripts Script viruses are a form of malicious code that can be embedded into scripts, such as JavaScript and VBScript. A script virus is designed to allow attackers to gain unauthorised access to computers or networks, allowing them to steal confidential data or disrupt computer operations. Script… 

Script Virus

Script Virus As the digital age progresses, the threats of cyber-attacks and malicious software increase. One type of malware that has become increasingly prevalent is script viruses, which can cause severe damage to computers and networks if left unchecked. As technology advances, so does the sophistication of these viruses, making them difficult to detect and… 

Cyber Security Vs Information Security

Cyber Security Vs Information Security In the current era of technology, data holds great value, making cybersecurity and information protection vital topics. With the continuous evolution of technology, there is also an increase in the risks posed by malicious individuals trying to access our sensitive data. While cyber security and information security are often used… 

A Guide To CyberSecurity Audits

A Guide To Cyber Security Audits Are you concerned about the safety of your digital information? You’re not the only one. With the rise of cyberattacks, it’s crucial to know how to safeguard yourself against cybercrime in order to stay protected on the internet. One effective method to secure your system is by conducting a… 

What’s A Cyber Security Audit Vs A Cyber Security Assessment?

What’s A Cyber Security Audit Vs A Cyber Security Assessment? In today’s modern era, cyber security is an ever-increasing worry. As technology progresses, so do the dangers of cyber attacks and breaches, which can jeopardize our personal data. It is crucial to comprehend the differences between cyber security audits and assessments in order to safeguard… 

Foundations of CyberSecurity

Foundations Of Cyber Security Cyber security is an ever-evolving field that affects us all. With the increased prevalence of technology in our lives, it’s more important than ever to understand its foundations and what we can do to protect ourselves from malicious actors. In this article, we’ll explore the core concepts behind cyber security and… 

Secure Software Development: A Complete Guide

Secure Software Development: A Complete Guide Software security is something that’s becoming increasingly important in today’s digital world. Whether it’s for a business or an individual, secure software development is essential to protect data and information from cyber criminals and hackers. But how do you go about ensuring the safety of your software? That’s where…