Friday Squid Blogging: Sqids
These are short unique strings: SQIDs
Sqids (pronounced “squids”) is an open-source library that allows the generation of YouTube-like IDs from numbers. These IDs are short, can be created using a custom alphabet, and are guaranteed to be collision-free.
Although I haven’t delved into the specifics, it is intriguing how Sqids can guarantee the absence of collisions.
As usual, feel free to discuss any security stories in the news that I haven’t covered.
For more information, please refer to my blog posting guidelines here.
Sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier by Joe MacInnis.
Key Points:
- Friday Squid Blogging: Sqids is an article discussing the open-source library called Sqids that can generate YouTube-like IDs from numbers.
- Sqids IDs are short, can be customized using a specific alphabet, and are guaranteed to be collision-free.
- The author expresses curiosity about the mechanism behind the guaranteed absence of collisions.
- Readers are invited to share security stories not covered in the article, and the blog posting guidelines are provided for reference.
- The article concludes with additional information about the author and a sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier.