Cybercrimes have been on the rise in the digital age, with personal information and data being the target of malicious actors. A recent survey conducted by the UEA’s School of Psychology has shed light on the behavior of people when it comes to disclosing personal information on the internet. The survey found that people tend to reveal more personal details when asked the same question twice, a phenomenon known as the ‘foot in the door effect’. It also highlighted the fact that users start building trust when asked a question, and if the same question is repeated, they tend to over-disclose without worrying that it can lead to privacy concerns.
It is important to note that personal data can be mined from online users in a simple way, whether it’s completing a survey or subscribing to an online news magazine. The dugout information might prove to be a world’s valuable resource, more valuable than oil and precious metals. From online users’ point of view, this can push them into deep trouble, as security risks will follow, leading them to a financial crisis.
The research team suggests that businesses and consumers should share information to an acceptable level that can benefit them mutually. Anything more should be forewarned well in advance by the business to protect the privacy of users.
In conclusion, cybercrime is a growing issue and it is essential to be aware of the risks associated with oversharing personal information online. Businesses should educate their users on the potential risks and consumers should be wary of sharing too much information online. It is important to stay informed and be aware of security measures that can help protect against identity theft and cybercrimes.