Warnings are circulating on social media about a new feature on iPhones called NameDrop that allows users to quickly share their contact information. Police departments across America have been spreading the word, urging users to disable this feature. NameDrop is a feature introduced in iOS 17 that enables users to tap their iPhones together to share contact details. However, concerns have been raised that this could lead to strangers stealing contact information. Apple allows users to choose what information they share and whether they only want to receive contact details from others. Tapping two iPhones together doesn’t automatically share contact information; users still have to confirm their desire to share. The risk of contact information theft is higher if the iPhone is unlocked and left unattended. To turn off the NameDrop feature, users can go to Settings > General > Airdrop and disable the “Bringing Devices Together” option.
Key Points:
– NameDrop is a new feature on iPhones that allows users to quickly share contact information by tapping their devices together.
– Police departments are warning users to disable NameDrop due to concerns about contact information theft.
– Apple allows users to choose what information they share and whether they only want to receive contact details.
– Tapping two iPhones together doesn’t automatically share contact information; users still have to confirm their desire to share.
– The risk of contact information theft is higher if the iPhone is unlocked and left unattended.
– To disable NameDrop, users can go to Settings > General > Airdrop and disable the “Bringing Devices Together” option.