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On the Catastrophic Risk of AI

is an HTML element used for creating a division or section within a web page. In a recent blog post, security expert Bruce Schneier addressed the issue of the catastrophic risk of AI, which has been widely covered in the media. While Schneier acknowledges the importance of taking AI risk seriously, he believes it poses a similar risk to pandemics and nuclear war, rather than a risk of human extinction. He also emphasizes that existing AI systems and their plausible extensions are already causing harm, exacerbating inequality, and undermining individual and collective freedom.

Schneier argues that the security risks from precursor technologies such as machine learning algorithms, automation, and autonomy are already prevalent in our society, and we should focus more on urgent risks from AI that are causing concentrated harm. He believes catastrophic AI and robotics risk should be a concern because they affect the world in a direct, physical manner and are vulnerable to class breaks.

Moreover, Schneier recommends reading David Chapman’s article on scary AI and Kieran Healy’s analysis of the statement. He also admits that he should learn not to sign on to group statements.

In conclusion, while AI risk should be taken seriously, Schneier believes it poses a similar risk to pandemics and nuclear war, and we should focus more on urgent risks from AI that are causing concentrated harm. He also recommends reading further analysis on the topic and acknowledges his mistake in signing on to a group statement.

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