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Phone system surveillance vulnerabilities may be resolved soon.

# FCC Takes Steps to Address Phone System Surveillance Vulnerabilities

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is taking action to address vulnerabilities in the SS7 and Diameter protocols that have been exploited to track consumers’ locations. In a recent move, the commission has requested telecommunications providers to provide details on their efforts to prevent these vulnerabilities from being misused. This includes information on any exploits of the protocols since 2018, with a focus on the date, nature of the incident, techniques used, location tracking details, and attacker’s identity.

## Background on the Issue
The vulnerabilities in the SS7 and Diameter protocols have been a longstanding concern, with the potential for unauthorized location tracking and network intrusions. The FCC’s request for information comes in the wake of security best practices issued by the Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council (CSRIC) in 2018. This move signals a proactive approach by the regulatory body to address the security risks posed by these protocols.

## Past Coverage and Expert Insights
Journalist Bruce Schneier has extensively covered the vulnerabilities in the SS7 and Diameter protocols over the past decade. His writings highlight the potential risks associated with these vulnerabilities and the need for robust security measures to prevent exploitation. With the FCC’s recent actions, there is hope that steps will be taken to mitigate these risks and enhance the security of the phone system.

## Key Points:
– The FCC is addressing vulnerabilities in the SS7 and Diameter protocols to prevent unauthorized location tracking.
– Telecommunications providers have been asked to detail their efforts to prevent exploits of these protocols.
– The regulatory move follows security best practices issued by the CSRIC in 2018.
– Journalist Bruce Schneier has raised awareness about these vulnerabilities over the past decade.
– The FCC’s actions signal a proactive approach to enhancing the security of the phone system.

In conclusion, the FCC’s steps to address vulnerabilities in the SS7 and Diameter protocols are a positive development in safeguarding consumer privacy and network security. By requesting information from telecommunications providers and focusing on prevention measures, the regulatory body is taking a proactive stance to address longstanding security concerns in the phone system.

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