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Top Challenges Threat Hunting Teams Face in 2023 and How to Overcome Them

is a commonly used HTML element that is used to create a division or container to organize and structure the content of a webpage.


element is used to group related elements together, making it easier to style and manipulate them using CSS.

It can be used to create different sections of a webpage, such as headers, footers, sidebars, and content areas.


element can also be used to apply specific styles or classes to a group of elements, allowing for easier styling and customization.

In the provided article, David Monnier discusses the challenges faced by security teams and the importance of having a threat hunting program. He highlights three major challenges faced by security teams today:

1. Lack of threat hunting tools: Many security teams lack the necessary tools and technologies to effectively detect and respond to malicious activity. The solution to this challenge is to adopt new tools that offer better visibility, automation, and intelligence.

2. Poorly understood and/or undocumented baseline activity: Security teams often struggle to establish a baseline of normal activity, making it difficult to identify abnormal or malicious behavior. The solution is to have the right tools and technologies in place to collect and analyze data over time, as well as standardized policies and protocols for conducting threat hunts.

3. No executive-level support of threat hunt program: Security teams often lack support from leadership, which can impact organizational and financial support. The solution is to improve communication and effectively communicate security initiatives and successes to the C-suite and board executives.

In conclusion, the

element is a versatile tool that allows web developers to organize and structure the content of a webpage. It is commonly used to create different sections and apply specific styles to groups of elements. In the context of security teams and threat hunting programs, the challenges discussed by David Monnier can be addressed by adopting new tools, establishing a baseline of normal activity, and improving communication with executive-level stakeholders.

Key Points:
– The

element is commonly used in HTML to create divisions or containers for organizing and structuring webpage content.
– Security teams face challenges such as lack of tools, poorly understood baseline activity, and lack of executive-level support for threat hunting programs.
– Adopting new tools, establishing a baseline of normal activity, and improving communication can strengthen threat hunting programs.
– The

element is a versatile tool that allows for better organization, styling, and customization of webpage content.

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