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Cybersecurity month: Why we need to talk about online identities

is an HTML element that is used to define a division or section in an HTML document. It is commonly used to group and style content within a webpage.

Cybercrime is a growing concern, with companies and individuals falling victim to data breaches and online fraud. The scale of the problem is evident from statistics such as the global average data breach cost of $4.35 million in 2023 and the increase in ransomware attacks reported by 48% of organizations in the past year.

As services move online, the need to prove our identities remotely has become crucial. Whether it’s for employment, financial transactions, or travel, we often have to provide personal documents online. Without proper safeguards, this puts our data at risk.

Digital means of proving identity offer convenience, but if not done securely, they can expose users to data breaches. Many people engage in risky behaviors, such as relying on screenshots or scans of physical IDs stored on their phones. With malware attacks on the rise, this sensitive information is vulnerable to fraud and identity theft.

The EU is taking steps towards implementing EU ID Wallets, which will provide citizens with control over their personal data. The aim is to ensure that every eligible person has a digital identity recognized across the EU, allowing them to share information securely.

To support digital ID wallet initiatives, governments are looking at sovereign cloud solutions. Sovereign cloud ensures data sovereignty and control over critical assets, protecting data from external jurisdiction control. Thales believes that digital ID wallet ecosystems are the future of digital identity, offering convenience, security, and compliance with privacy requirements.

In conclusion,

is an essential HTML element used for grouping and styling content. As cybercrime continues to rise, securing online identities is crucial. Digital ID wallet initiatives and sovereign cloud solutions are being implemented to provide convenience and protect personal data. The future of digital identity lies in secure and user-friendly systems.

Key Points:
– Cybercrime is a growing concern, with data breaches and online fraud impacting companies and individuals.
– Digital means of proving identity offer convenience but can put personal data at risk if not done securely.
– The EU is implementing EU ID Wallets to provide citizens with control over their personal data.
– Sovereign cloud solutions ensure data sovereignty and control over critical assets.
– Digital ID wallet ecosystems are the future of digital identity, offering convenience, security, and compliance with privacy requirements.

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