This week, Google announced that it is taking steps to improve user trust by giving Android users increased control over their data. The initiative will require developers to enable data deletion from within the app and online and provide clear information regarding the privacy and security practices of their applications.
The new data deletion policy will allow users to delete their accounts and associated data without having to reinstall the application. This will be done by providing a web link in the data safety form on the app, which users can use to request account and data deletion.
To ensure that the process is more intuitive, Google is also introducing a data deletion area in the data safety section in the Play Store, along with a refreshed data deletion badge. Google is also requiring developers to disclose any data retention practices that may be necessary for legitimate reasons.
In order to implement the changes, developers have to submit their responses to the new data deletion questions in their application’s data safety forms by December 7. The first changes are expected to take effect in early 2021.
In conclusion, Google is introducing a new data deletion policy to provide Android users with increased control over their data. This policy will require developers to enable data deletion both from the app and online, provide a web link for users to request account and data deletion, and disclose any data retention practices necessary for legitimate reasons.
Key Points:
- Google is introducing a new data deletion policy to provide Android users with increased control over their data.
- The policy requires developers to enable data deletion both from the app and online, provide a web link for users to request data deletion, and disclose any data retention practices necessary for legitimate reasons.
- The submission period for developers to submit their responses to the new data deletion questions ends on December 7, and the first changes are expected to take effect in early 2021.