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INE Security invests in aspiring cybersecurity professionals through educational initiatives.

INE Security Partners with Higher Education Institutions to Bridge the Cybersecurity Skills Gap


In a world where digital threats transcend borders, the need for robust cybersecurity education has never been more critical. Recognizing this, INE Security, a global cybersecurity training and certification provider, has launched initiatives with several higher education institutions to invest in the education of aspiring cybersecurity professionals.

Closing the Skills Gap

INE Security’s CEO, Dara Warn, highlighted the critical skills gap in the industry and emphasized the importance of partnering with higher education institutions to close that gap. The goal is to prepare cybersecurity students to navigate and mitigate the increasingly sophisticated cyber threats effectively, reinforcing the strength and security of the entire industry.

Collaborative Initiatives

INE Security + Columbus State University

Columbus State University in the US partnered with INE Security to integrate the Junior Penetration Tester (eJPT) certification into its curriculum. This collaboration addressed the practical training gap, enabling students to gain essential skills and certifications for the cybersecurity workforce.

INE Security + FOUR18 Intelligence

FOUR18 Intelligence partnered with INE Security to enhance hands-on, real-world cyber defense education. The collaboration aimed to make high-quality cybersecurity training accessible and impactful for learners at every stage of their career, offering immersive learning experiences to prepare students for real-world security risks.

INE Security + Virtually Testing Foundation

Virtually Testing Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on cybersecurity education, partnered with INE Security to provide interns access to premium training materials, hands-on labs, and industry certifications. This collaboration equips individuals with cybersecurity skills to address critical skills gaps in the field.

Career Prospects in Cybersecurity

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 31% growth in employment for information security analysts from 2019 to 2029, reflecting the high demand for cybersecurity professionals. The integration of advanced technologies like AI and machine learning in combating cybercrime presents continuous learning opportunities for students pursuing careers in cybersecurity.

Impact on the Future

Higher education institutions that invest in comprehensive cybersecurity training through partnerships with experienced cybersecurity training partners contribute significantly to the global economy. By equipping students with the necessary skills to address international cyber challenges effectively, these institutions ensure their graduates are competitive and prepared to lead in the global arena.


INE Security’s collaborations with higher education institutions highlight the importance of bridging the cybersecurity skills gap through practical training and industry certifications. By preparing the next generation of cybersecurity experts, these initiatives not only protect institutions’ data and reputations but also ensure a workforce ready to tackle evolving cyber threats effectively.

Key Points:

  • INE Security partners with higher education institutions to bridge the cybersecurity skills gap.
  • Collaborations with universities like Columbus State University and organizations like FOUR18 Intelligence and Virtually Testing Foundation enhance hands-on cyber defense education.
  • The demand for cybersecurity professionals is projected to grow significantly, reflecting the critical need for skilled individuals in the field.
  • Higher education institutions play a crucial role in equipping students with cybersecurity skills to address international cyber challenges effectively.
  • INE Security’s initiatives reinforce the strength and security of the cybersecurity industry by preparing aspiring professionals for the future demands of the field.

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