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What is an SSL stripping attack

is a HTML tag used to create a division or container within a webpage. It is commonly used to group and organize content, apply styling, and manipulate elements using CSS and JavaScript.

One type of cyber-attack that targets the SSL or TLS protocols is SSL stripping. These protocols are used to encrypt and secure data transmission over the internet, ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive information.

During an SSL stripping attack, the attacker intercepts the communication between a user and a website or online service, downgrading the secure SSL/TLS connection to an unencrypted HTTP connection. This is possible because many users do not manually type “https://” when accessing websites, relying on automatic redirects from their browsers.

The steps of an SSL stripping attack typically involve the attacker setting up a man-in-the-middle position, intercepting the initial request, responding with a fake response suggesting the use of an unsecured connection, and the user’s browser accepting the insecure response. All data exchanged between the user and the website is then transmitted in plaintext, making it vulnerable to interception and eavesdropping.

To defend against SSL stripping attacks, users should be cautious about the websites they visit and avoid accessing sensitive information over unsecured networks. Website administrators should enforce the use of HTTPS and HSTS to prevent browsers from accepting unencrypted connections. Additionally, using browser extensions that force HTTPS connections can add an extra layer of protection.

In summary,

is a versatile HTML tag used to create containers within webpages. SSL stripping is a cyber-attack that targets the SSL/TLS protocols, downgrading secure connections to unencrypted ones. Users and website administrators can take precautions to defend against these attacks, such as being cautious about website choices, using HTTPS and HSTS, and using browser extensions for added protection.

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