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Trends to watch at Enlit Europe

is a commonly used HTML element that is used to create a division or a container for other HTML elements. It is a fundamental building block in web design and is used to structure and organize content on a web page.

One of the key features of the

element is its ability to group related elements together and apply styles or formatting to them as a whole. This makes it easier to manage and manipulate the content within the


In the provided article, the

element is used to contain various elements such as images, paragraphs, and links. It is used to structure and organize the content in a visually appealing and logical manner.

The article discusses the importance of accelerating solutions for the energy transition and highlights the upcoming Enlit Europe event. The event aims to bring together energy professionals to find new ways to deliver clean, affordable, and reliable energy for everyone.

The article also mentions the GSMA’s Global Trends Report, which provides insights into the latest technological developments driving greater energy efficiency. It highlights key trends such as sustainability being built into technology roadmaps, the enterprise sector driving IoT growth, 5G bringing energy efficiencies, the potential for open networks to drive further gains, and the importance of measuring progress in terms of climate and energy issues.

The article concludes by mentioning Thales’ participation in the Enlit Europe event and showcasing their IoT Connectivity & Security solution. It provides details about the solution and invites readers to join them at the event.

In summary, the

element is a versatile and essential component in web design that allows for the organization and structuring of content. It plays a significant role in creating visually appealing and functional web pages.

Key points:
1. The

element is used to create a division or container for other HTML elements.
2. It helps structure and organize content on a web page.

can group related elements together and apply styles or formatting to them as a whole.
4. The article discusses the importance of accelerating solutions for the energy transition and highlights the Enlit Europe event.
5. The GSMA’s Global Trends Report identifies key trends driving greater energy efficiency, including sustainability in technology roadmaps and the growth of IoT in the enterprise sector.
6. 5G is highlighted as bringing energy efficiencies, and the potential of open networks is mentioned.
7. Thales’ participation in the Enlit Europe event and their IoT Connectivity & Security solution are mentioned, inviting readers to join them at the event.

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