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What was Steve Jobs’s first job? – Naked Security

DOUG.  …it also involved a multitude of other cybercrimes. This individual, a 22-year-old from the UK, was involved in SIM swapping attacks, where he would manipulate mobile phone carriers to transfer victims’ phone numbers to his control. With access to their phone numbers, he would then take over their online accounts, including social media, email, and cryptocurrency wallets. The Twitter hack was just one part of his larger criminal activities. DUCK.  Exactly. And it’s interesting to note that this individual was not acting alone. He was part of a larger group of hackers, some of whom were based in the United States. In fact, during the investigation, it was discovered that this group had attempted to take over the Twitter accounts of prominent politicians and celebrities. While they were not successful in those attempts, it just goes to show the extent of their criminal activities. DOUG.  It’s definitely a reminder of the importance of strong security measures and two-factor authentication. It’s also a victory for law enforcement agencies who worked together across borders to apprehend and prosecute these cybercriminals. DUCK.  Absolutely. It’s great to see international cooperation in combating cybercrime. And with the sentencing of this individual to five years in prison, it sends a strong message that these types of crimes will not go unpunished. Hopefully, it will serve as a deterrent to others who may be considering similar actions. DOUG.  Indeed. Well, let’s move on to our last story for today. “Turn off your phones, please!” DUCK.  Yes, this is a topic that we’ve touched on before, but it’s worth repeating. In our increasingly connected world, it’s become a common occurrence for people to be constantly glued to their phones, even in situations where it’s not appropriate or polite. We’ve all been in situations where someone’s phone rings loudly in a quiet setting, or where someone is engrossed in their phone instead of engaging with those around them. It’s become a societal issue, and one that needs to be addressed. DOUG.  Absolutely. And it’s not just about being polite, it’s also about being present in the moment. When we’re constantly on our phones, we miss out on the real-world experiences happening around us. It’s important to disconnect from our devices and engage with the people and environment around us. DUCK.  Exactly. And it’s not just about personal interactions. There are also situations where having our phones on can be a safety risk. For example, using our phones while driving is a major cause of accidents. And there have been instances where phones have caused fires or explosions in certain environments. So, it’s not just a matter of being polite, it’s also a matter of safety. DOUG.  Definitely. So, let’s all make a conscious effort to turn off our phones when it’s appropriate to do so. Whether it’s in a movie theater, during a meeting, or when we’re spending quality time with loved ones, let’s prioritize human connections and be present in the moment. DUCK.  Absolutely. And that wraps up our podcast for today. Thank you all for listening, and remember to stay safe and secure out there. Until next time! [MUSICAL MODEM]

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